"I'm afraid there's been a bit of a crisis among the cast of this evening's performance. It seems that they've all partaken of the same sort of ... shell-fish, as served in one of the local establishments that we players tend to frequent."

"My fair Marquise; your lovely eyes make me die of love!"

Monsieur Jourdain in "The Bourgeois Gentleman"
"And to think! I've never studied, and yet, I came up with that one right on the first go!"

Arnolphe in "The School for Wives"
"For once you misstep here, however slight,
It will become as black as any coal,
And all will know this darkness to your soul.
As it will mark you as a wretched jade,
And all will flee this path on which you've strayed.
For Satan's Cauldron boils without a pause!
May Heaven, in Its goodness, take your cause."

Tartuffe, in "Tartuffe;
Because one loves the glories of the Lord,
Does not suggest his ... works ought be ignored."

Oh, oh! I contemplated here, completely off my guard
With nothing else about or near, it quickly hit me ... hard;
Your eye, so sly, I did espy, with speed beyond belief,
You stole my heart and now I cry: "Stop thief! Stop thief! Stop thief!"

"I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming tonight ... and to thank you even more for staying. ... I would only ask that you come back again some night when we are, as they say, fully staffed."